Wallenberg Syndrome (Dorsolateral Medullary Syndrome; Lateral Bulbar Syndrome) 1
General: Occlusion of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery; onset after age 40 years; similar t 949h78j o Babinski-Nageotte syndrome but crossed hemiparesis is absent; nystagmus is produced by involvement of the vestibular nuclei or posterior longitudinal bundle.
Ocular: Enophthalmos; ptosis; spontaneous homolateral or contralateral horizontal or torsional nystagmus; miosis; Horner syndrome; skew deviation; impaired contralateral pursuit; saccadic abnormalities; gaze-holding abnormalities.
Clinical: Nausea; vertigo; difficulty in swallowing and speaking; ipsilateral ataxia; muscular hypotonicity; ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature sense of the face; neurotrophic skin ulcers; contralateral hypalgesia; facial weakness.
Brazis PW. Ocular motor abnormalities in Wallenberg's lateral medullary syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc 1992; 67:365-368.
Hornsten G. Wallenberg's syndrome. I. General symptomatology with reference to visual disturbances and imbalance. Acta Neural Scand 1974; 50:434.
Marcoux C, et al. Neurotrophic ulcer following Wallenberg's syndrome. Dermatology 1993; 186:301-302.
Sacco RL, et al. Wallenberg's lateral medullary syndrome. Clinical-magnetic resonance imaging correlations. Arch Neurol 1993; 50:609-614.
Silfverskiold BP. Skew deviation in Wallenberg's syndrome. Acta Neurol Scand 1966; 41:381.
Wallenberg A. Anatomische Befunde in Einem als 'Akute Bulbaraffektion (Embolie der Arteria Cerebellar. Post. Inf. Sinist.)' Beschriebenen Falle. Arch F Psychiatr 1901; 34.
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