Nicolau Syndrome (Nicolau-Hoigne Syndrome) 8
General: First described as a nonallergic reaction following injection of bismuth; assumed to be caused by emboli of medication inadvertently introduced into an artery.
Ocular: Visual loss, depending on degree of involvement of retinal arteries.
Clinical: Tachycardia; acoustic sensations; somnolence; motoric irritation; sudden pain in extremities and abdomen; pallor, cyanosis, and edema of extremities; shock; paresis-paralysis; arterial hypotension.
Geeraets WJ Ocular Syndromes, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.
Hoigne R. Akute Nebenreaktionen auf Pencillinpraparate. Acta Med Scand 1962; 171:201.
Nicolau S. Dermite Livedoide et Gangreneuse de la Fesse, Consecutive aux Injections Intramusculaires, dans la Syphilis. A Propos d'un Cas d'Embolie Arterielle Bismuthique. Ann Mal Vener (Paris) 1925; 20:321.
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