Brown-McLean Syndrome &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; &nbs 141h79b p; 177
General: Following cataract surgery Photophobia, posterior staphyloma, peripheral corneal edema with underlying endothelial pigment, iridonesis
Clinical: Foreign body sensation
Hara T, Hara T: Brown-McLean syndrome associated with corneal endotheliitisin a pseudophakic eye. J Cataract Refract Surg 1993; 19: 780-786.
Martin EN, Alvarenza LS, SousLB, et al. Anterior stromal puncture in Brown-McLean syndrome. J Cataract Refract Surg 2004; 30: 1575-l577.
Reed JW, Cain LR, Weaver RG, et al. Clinical and pathologic findings of aphakic peripheral corneal edema: Brown-McLean syndrome. Cornea 1992; 11: 577-583
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