Ultraviolet Radiation 1
General: Eye and skin are the only organs of the body particularly sensitive to the nonionizing wavelengths of radiation normally present in the environment.
Ocular: Photokeratitis; pterygia; band keratopathy; herpes simplex keratitis; recurrent corneal erosions; discoloring of lens; retinal degeneration; cataract formation; questionable alterations to the corneal endothelium.
Clinical: Actinic keratosis; edema; erythema of skin, blisters of skin; depigmentation of skin; skin carcinoma.
Bergmanson JP. Ultraviolet radiation damage to the corneal endothelium? Ophthalmology 1993; 100:442-443.
Dolin PJ. Ultraviolet radiation and cataract: a review of the epidemiological evidence. Br J Ophthalmol 478-482.
Hockwin O, Lerman S. Clinical evaluation of direct and photosensitized ultraviolet radiation damage to the lens. Ann Ophthalmol
Lerman S, ed. Radiant energy and the eye. New York: Macmillan, 1980.
Radiatiile untraviolete sunt unde electromagnetice cu lungimea de unda cuprinsa intre 400 si 7,6 um. Se subimpart in ultraviolete A, B si C. L [...] |
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