Temporal Arteritis Syndrome (Cranial Arteritis Syndrome; Giant Cell Arteritis; Hutchinson-Horton-Magath-Brown Syndrome) 313g68d 313g68d 313g68d 313g68d 313g68d 313g68d
General: Etiology unknown; mainly females; mainly whites; ages 55 to 80 years; temporal artery shows inflammatory thickening; arteritis of the vessels supplying the optic nerve.
Ocular: Transient ptosis; partial or complete loss of vision on the affected side; retinal detachment; exudates and hemorrhages; narrowing of retinal vessels; obstruction of the central retinal artery; optic atrophy; ischemic optic neuropathy; acute decreased intraocular pressure; corneal hypesthesia; palsies of extraocular muscles; hemorrhagic glaucoma; diplopia; hemorrhages on or around the disk.
Clinical: Throbbing headache; hyperalgesia of the scalp; malaise; anorexia; weakness; weight loss; fever; nodular pulmonary nodules; cough; otitis with deafness.
Cullen JF, Coleiro JA. Ophthalmic complications of giant cell arteritis. Surv Ophthalmol 1976; 20:247-260.
Cullen JF. Occult temporal arteritis. Br J Ophthalmol 1967; 51:513.
Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy, 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000.
Healey LA, Wilske KR. Manifestations of giant cell arteritis. Med Clin North Am 1977; 61:261-270.
Sorensen S, Lorenzen I. Giant-cell arteritis, temporal arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica. Acta Med Scand 1977; 201:207-213.
Zenone T, et al. Unusual manifestations of giant cell arteritis: pulmonary nodules, cough, conjunctivitis and otitis with deafness. Eur Respir J 1994; 7:2252-2254.
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