Fuchs [2] Syndrome; Mucocutaneous Ocular Syndrome)
General: Etiology unknown; affects all ages; most frequently seen in first and third decades of life; prevalent in males; drugs are the most commonly identified etiologic factor in this condition.
Ocular: Hypopyon; iritis; keratitis; corneal ulcers; keratoconjunctivitis
sicca; chemosis; conjunctivitis; widespread fibrinoid necrosis of conjunctival
vessels; blepharitis; endophthalmitis; phthisis bulbi; uveitis; cataracts;
pannus; optic neuritis; keratoconus; adenoviral conjunctivitis has been
reported to have precipitated Stevens-
Clinical: General malaise, headaches, chills, and fever; severe skin and mucous
membrane eruptions (erythema multiforme); dorsa of hands and feet are most
frequently affected; rhinitis; balanitis; vulvovaginitis; urethritis
(nonspecific); cystitis; patients with AIDS are at higher risk of developing
Arstikaitis MJ. Ocular aftermath
of Stevens-
Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy, 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000.
Geeraets WJ. Ocular Syndromes, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.
Gottschalk HR, Stone OJ. Stevens-
Hodge WG, et al. Adenoviral
keratoconjunctivitis precipitating Stevens-
Kaido M, Goto E, Dogru M, et al. Punctal
occlusion in the management of chronic Stevens-
Power WJ, et al. Analysis of the
acute ophthalmic manifestations of the erythema multiforme/Stevens-
Stevens AM,
Tabbara KF, Shammas HF. Bilateral
corneal perforations in Stevens-
in abordarea mecanismelor etiopatogenice ale unor afectiuni oculare, in ultima vreme o pondere din ce in ce mai insemnata o capata procesele imunologi [...] |
in abordarea mecanismelor etiopatogenice ale unor afectiuni oculare, in ultima vreme o pondere din ce in ce mai insemnata o capata procesele imunologi [...] |
Retinopatia diabetica. Leziunile oculare sunt de natura degenerativa. Intensitatea leziunilor oculare este direct proportionala cu durata diabetu [...] |
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