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Raymond syndrome (raymond-cestan syndrome; cestan [2] syndrome; pontine syndrome; disassociation of lateral gaze syndrome)

Raymond Syndrome (Raymond-Cestan Syndrome; Cestan [2] Syndrome; Pontine Syndrome;
Disassociation of Lateral Gaze Syndrome) 959d36j 959d36j 959d36j 959d36j

General: Lesion involving the pyramidal tracts as they traverse the pons; posterior longitudinal bundle and medial lemniscus may be involved; tumor and vascular thromboses are common causes; can be caused iatrogenically after neurosurgical procedures.

Ocular: Ipsilateral abducens palsy; paralysis of lateral conjugate gaze.

Clinical: Contralateral hemiplegia; anesthesia of the face, limbs, and trunk.

Isobe I, et al. Rare case of Raymond-Cestan syndrome. Naika 1970; 26:388.

Raymond F, Cestan R. Trois Observations de Paralysie des Mouvements Associes des Globes Oculaires. Rev Neural (Paris) 1901; 9:70-77.

Seyer H, et al. Raymond's syndrome following petrosal sinus sampling. Acta Neurachir 1994; 131:157-l59.

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