Plummer-Vinson Syndrome (Sideropenic Dysphagia
Syndrome; Paterson-Brown-Kelly
Syndrome; Waldenstrom-Kjellberg Syndrome) 858g62i 858g62i 858g62i 858g62i
General: Deficiency of vitamin B complex and iron; female; onset middle age; pathogenic mechanism may be related to a frameshift mutation in the human apolipoprotein mutation in the human apolipoprotein A-I gene.
Ocular: Reduced tear formation; pale conjunctiva; dry eyes; retinal hemorrhages; papilledema.
Clinical: Dysphagia for solid food with main difficulties originating in the upper portion of the esophagus; glossitis and gastritis; anemia; atrophy of mucous membranes; dystrophy of the fingernails (koilonychia); fatigue.
Chen TS, Chen PS. Rise and fall of the Plummer-Vinson syndrome. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1994; 9:654-658.
Godtfredsen E. Relations between Sjogren's disease, Plummer Vinson syndrome and ariboflavinosis. Acta Ophthalmol 1947; 25:95.
Plummer HS. Diffuse dilation of the esophagus without anatomic stenosis (cardiospasm). A report of ninety-one cases. J Am Med Assoc 1912; 58:2013.
Vinson PP. A case of cardiospasm with dilatation and angulation of the esophagus. Med Clin North Am 1919; 3:623.
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