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Pemphigus foliaceus (cazenave disease)

Pemphigus Foliaceus (Cazenave Disease)

General: Attacks individuals of any race, age, or sex; high incidence in Brazil; characterized by bullous skin lesions resulting in generalized exfoliation.

Ocular: Exfoliative or bullous lesions of lid and conjunctiva; pannus; infiltration of cornea and iris; cataract.

Clinical: Cutaneous manifestations that progress to scaling, crusted patches; simulates lupus erythematosus and exfoliative erythroderma.

Amendola F. Ocular manifestations of pemphigus foliaceus. Am J Ophthalmol 1949; 32:35.

Collins JF. Handbook of Clinical Ophthalmology. New York: Masson, 1982.

Falk ES. Pemphigus foliaceus in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren's syndrome: a case report. Dermatologica 1979; 158:348-354.

Mondino BJ. Clinical immunologic diseases. Dermatologic disease. In: Smolin G, Thoft RA, eds. The Cornea. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1994:425.

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