Morquio Syndrome (Morquio-Brailsford Syndrome;
Brailsford-Morquio Dystrophy; Familial Osseous Dystrophy; Keratosulfaturia; MPS
IV; Mucopolysaccharidosis IV; Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia; Osteochondrodystrophia
Deforma 929j93j ns; Infantile Hereditary Chondrodysplasia; Hereditary Poly topic
Enchondral Dysostosis; Hereditary Osteochondrodystrophy; Eccentro-Osteochondrodysplasia;
Dysostosis Enchondralis Meta- Epiphysaria; Morquio-Ullrich Syndrome; Atypical
Chondrodystrophy; Chondrodystrophia Tarda; Chondro-Osteodystrophy)
General: Autosomal recessive dystrophy of cartilage and bone; slight predilection for males; apparent between ages 4 and 10 years; excess production of keratosulfate (see Hurler Syndrome; Hunter Syndrome; Sanfilippo-Good Syndrome; Scheie Syndrome; Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome); autosomal recessive; abnormal N-acetylgalactosamine-G-sulfate sulfatase.
Ocular: Enophthalmos; ptosis; excessive tear secretion; ocular hypotony; miosis; occasionally hazy cornea; bushy eyebrows; optic nerve atrophy; moderate-to-late corneal clouding.
Clinical: Dwarfism; skeletal deformities (progressive); delayed ossification of epiphyses; decreased muscle tone; deafness; weak extremities; waddling gait; coarse broad mouth; spaced teeth; aortic regurgitation; normal intelligence.
Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. 2000.
Geeraets WJ. Ocular Syndromes, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.
Kenyon KR, et al. The systemic mucopolysaccharidoses: ultrastructural and histochemical studies of conjunctiva and skin. Am J Ophthalmol 1972; 73:811.
MacDessi JJ, et al. Spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia with ocular changes: report of two 'new' variants in two different families. Pediatr Radiol 1978; 7:22G-228.
Morquio L. Sur une Forme de Dystrophie Osseuse Familiale. Bull Soc Pediatr (Paris) 1929; 27:145-l52.
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