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Mbius ii syndrome (congenital facial diplegia; congenital paralysis of the sixth and seventh nerves; congenital oculofacial paralysis; von graefes syndrome)

Mbius II Syndrome (Congenital Facial Diplegia; Congenital Paralysis of the Sixth and Seventh Nerves; Congenital Oculofacial Paralysis; Von Graefes Syndrome) 747c25h 747c25h 747c25h

General: Congenital; possibly failure of development of facial nerve cells or primary defect of muscles deriving from first two brachial arches or both; recovery in a few weeks or nonprogressive permanent paralysis of face; asymmetrical; if incomplete, usually spares lower face and platysma.

Ocular: Proptosis; ptosis; weakness of abductor muscles; normal convergence; limitation to internal rotation in lateral movements; esotropia.

Clinical: Facial diplegia; deafness; loss of vestibular responses; webbed fingers or toes; clubfoot.

Abbott RL, et al. Saccadic velocity studies in Mobius syndrome. Ann Ophthalmol 1978; 10:619-623.

Fenichel GM. Congenital facial asymmetry (aplasia of facial muscles). In: Fenichel GM, ed. Clinical pediatric neurology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1993:341-342.

Kawai M, et al. The syndrome of Mobius sequence, peripheral neuropathy, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Am J Med Genet 1990; 37:578-582.

Menkes JH, Kenneth T. Mobius syndrome. In: Menkes JH, ed. Textbook of child neurology, 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 1995:309-310.

Merz M, Mojtowicz S. The Mobius syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 1967; 63:837.

Mobius PJ. Uber Angeborene Doppelseitige Abducens-Facialislahmung. Munch Med Wochenschr

Pucket CL, Beg SA. Facial reanimation in Mobius syndrome. South Med J 1978; 71:1498-l501.

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