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Millard-gubler syndrome (abducens-facial hemiplegia alternans)

Millard-Gubler Syndrome (Abducens-Facial Hemiplegia Alternans)

General: Vascular, infectious, or tumorous lesion at the base of the pons affecting the nucl 353h78d ei of the sixth and seventh nerves and fibers of the pyramidal tract; demyelinating disease.

Ocular: Diplopia; esotropia; paralysis external rectus muscle (often bilateral); in unilateral cases, there is deviation of eyes to side opposite lesion and inability to move them toward side of lesion; abduction of eye prevented by destruction of sixth nerve nucleus; opposite eye cannot be voluntarily adducted but can converge and move in this position by rotatory and caloric stimulation.

Clinical: Ipsilateral facial paralysis; contralateral hemiplegia of arm and leg from involvement of pyramidal tract.

Bronstein AM, et al. Abnormalities of horizontal gaze: Clinical, oculographic and agenetic resonance findings I. Abducens palsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1990; 53:194.

Geeraets WJ. Ocular Syndromes. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.

Gubler A. De l'Hemiplegie Alterne Envisagee Comme Signe de Lesion de la Protuberance Annulaire et Comme Preuve de la Decussation des Nerfs Faciaux. Gaz Hebd Med Chir 1856; 3:749,789,811.

Minderhoud JM. Diagnostic significance of symptomatology in brain stem ischaemic infarction. Eur Neurol 1971; 5:343.

Newman NJ. Third, fourth and sixth nerve lesions and the cavernous sinus. In: Albert DM, Jakobiec FA, eds. Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology, vol. IV. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1994:2458.

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