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Meningioma 7

Meningioma 7

General: Benign, slow-growing tumors that arise from the arachnoid matter, the middle layer of meninges that lies inside the dura mater, and outside the pia mater; more common in females; peak incidence in the seventh decade of life.

Ocular: Exposure keratopathy; paralysis of extraocular muscles; proptosis; optic nerve atrophy; papilledema; choroidal folds; hyperopia; visual field defect; afferent pupil defect; optociliary shunt veins.

Clinical: Headache; intracranial pressure; vomiting.

Anderson D, Khalil M. Meningioma and the ophthalmologist. A review of 80 cases. Ophthalmology 1981; 88: 1004-l009.

Finn JE, Mount LA. Meningiomas of the tuberculum sellae and um sphenoidale: a review of 83 cases. Arch Ophthalmol 1974; 92:23-27.

Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy, 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000.

Miller NR, Solomon S. Retinochoroidal (optociliary) shunt veins, blindness and optic atrophy: a non-specific sign of chronic optic nerve compression. Aust N Z J Ophthalmol 1991; 19:105-l09.

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