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Klver-bucy syndrome (temporal lobectomy behavior syndrome)

Klver-Bucy Syndrome (Temporal Lobectomy Behavior Syndrome)

General: Occurs after temporal lobectomy, carried out therapeutically for temporal lobe epilepsy. 646g62g

Ocular: 'Psychic blindness' or visual agnosia.

Clinical: Changes in emotional behavior (possible rage reactions); hypersexuality; bulimia (changes in dietary habits); loss of recognition of people; strong oral tendencies (i.e., licking, biting, chewing); deficiency of memory; psychic blindness; aberrant sexual behavior; hypermetamorphosis; aphasia; visual agnosia; memory deficit; speech disturbance; syndrome in adults is commonly associated with neurodegenerative conditions, following radiation therapy, or after temporal lobectomy; syndrome in children has been recognized almost exclusively in association with acute bitemporal injury or dysfunction.

Hooschmand H, et al. Kluver-Bucy syndrome: successful treatment with carbamazepine. JAMA 1974; 229:1782.

Kluver H, Bucy P. 'Psychic blindness' and other symptoms following bilateral temporal lobectomies in rhesus monkeys. Am J Physiol 1937; 119:352.

Lanska DJ, Lanska MI Kluver-Bucy syndrome in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. J Child Neurol 1994; 9: 67-69.

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