Foster Kennedy Syndrome (Basal-Frontal Syndrome; Gowers-Paton-Kennedy Syndrome)
General: Caused by tumor in base of frontal lobe or sphenoidal meningioma.
Ocular: Central scotoma may be p 444b18e resent on side of optic atrophy; enlarged blind spot and peripheral contraction of field (opposite eye); homolateral descending optic atrophy due to compression of the ipsilateral optic nerve at the optic foramen; contralateral papilledema due to increased intracranial pressure; ipsilateral proptosis.
Clinical: Anosmia; headache; dizziness; vomiting; memory loss; psychic changes; also may be caused by an olfactory groove tumor (usually a meningioma) or pituitary adenoma.
Banerjee T, Meagher JN. Foster Kennedy syndrome, aqueductal stenosis and empty sella. Am Surg 1974; 40:552.
Kennedy F. Retrobulbar neuritis as an exact diagnostic sign of certain tumors and abscesses in frontal lobes. Am J Med Sci 1911; 142:355.
Ruben S, et al. Pituitary adenoma presenting as the Foster-Kennedy syndrome. Br J Ophthalmol 1992; 76:117-l19.
Yildizhan A. A case of Foster Kennedy syndrome without frontal lobe or anterior cranial fossa involvement. Neurosurg Rev 1992; 15:139-l42.
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