Feer Syndrome (Swift-Feer Syndrome; Infantile Acrodynia; Acrodynia; Pink Disease) 4
General: Etiology unknown, possibly allergic 737h78h reaction to mercury or infection; onset in early childhood; both sexes equally affected.
Ocular: Proptosis; lacrimation; pronounced photophobia; severe conjunctival itching; conjunctival injection with occasional marked signs of inflammation; severe keratitis; mild optic neuritis; mydriasis.
Clinical: Restlessness; irritability; continuous profuse sweating; muscle hypotony; tachycardia; exanthema of palms and soles with exfoliation of large skin flaps; stomatitis; sleeplessness; cyanosis of fingers, toes, and nose; loss of teeth; rectal prolapse; muscle hypotonia; hypertension; hypertrichosis; gangrene of fingers.
Duke-Elder S, ed. Systems of Ophthalmology, vol. VIII, part 2. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1976.
Feer E. Eine Eigenartige Neurose des Vegatativen Systems Beim Kleinkinde, Ergebn Inn Med Kinderh 1923; 24:100.
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