Favre-Racouchot Syndrome (Nodular Elastoidosis)
General: Reaction to sun; permanent, slowly progressing condition; occurs in people chronically exposed to sun; usually apparent in fourth or fifth decade.
Ocular: Yellowish thickening of skin, with comedones and follicular cysts in and around orbit.
Clinical: Elastotic degeneration of skin; raised yellow patches and numerous comedones; orifices enlarged; citrine skin; cutis rhomboidalis nuchae; elastoma Dubreuilh.
Favre M, Racouchot JL. Elasteidose Cutanee Nodulaire a Kystes et a Comedons. Ann Dermatol Symp 1951; 78: 681-702.
Ritchie EB, Williams HN. Degenerative collagenous plaques of the hands. Arch Dermatol 1966; 93:202-203.
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