Familial Histiocytic Dermatoarthritis Syndrome 727f59h 727f59h 727f59h 727f59h 4
General: Autosomal dominant; manifestations in childhood or adolescence; progressive.
Ocular: Glaucoma; bilateral uveitis; complicated cataract.
Clinical: Multiple histiocytic cutaneous nodules (face, ears, upper and lower extremities); subcutaneous plaques apparent on palpation and thickened, lichenified skin; arthropathy with symmetrical destructive arthritis mainly of hands and wrists but also observed on feet and elbows; possible hearing loss; cardiac and skeletal muscle failure; severe synovitis with arthritis mutilans.
Campbell DA, Edwards NL. Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis: systemic macrophage disorder, Baillieres Clin Rheumatol 1991; 5:301-319.
Geeraets WJ. Ocular Syndromes, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.
Sauden Y. Diagnosis of peripheral arthropathies. Radiol Clin Biol 1974; 43:283.
Zayid J, Farraj S. Familial histiocytic dermatoarthritis: a new syndrome. Am J Med 1973; 54:793.
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