Dimmer Syndrome (Keratitis Nummularis) &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; &nbs 232j96c p; 370
General: Onset after minor ocular trauma.
Ocular: Photophobia; ocular pain; excessive lacrimation; discoid infiltration of superficial layers of cornea without adjacent conjunctivitis.
Dimmer F. Weber Eine der Keratitis Nurmnularis. Mahestehende Hirnhutentzuendung Augenheilkd 1905; 13: 621-635.
Magalini SI, Scrascia E. Dictionary of Medical Syndromes, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1981.
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