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Dialinas-amalric syndrome (amalric-dialinas syndrome; deaf mutism-retinal degeneration syndrome)  365

Dialinas-Amalric Syndrome (Amalric-Dialinas Syndrome; Deaf Mutism-Retinal Degeneration
Syndrome)     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;     737f52h ;  365

General: Retinal pigmentary disturbances and deafness as outstanding findings but without severe general systemic disorders as seen in the syndromes of Hallgren, Cockayne, Alport, Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl (see Hallgren Syndrome; Cockayne Syndrome; Alport Syndrome; Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl Syndrome).

Ocular: No night blindness but heterochromia iridis; atypical retinitis pigmentosa with small, scattered, fine-pigmented deposits in the macular region with some accumulations and accompanied by small white and yellow spots.

Clinical: Deaf mutism.

Amalric P. Nouveau Type de Degenerescence Tapeto-Retinienne au Cours de la Surdumutite. Bull Soc Ophthalmol Fr 1960; 196:211.

Charamis J, et al. Deaf-mutism and ophthalmic lesions. J Pediatr Ophthalmol

Dialinas NP. Les Alterations Oculaires chez les Sourds-Muets. Genet Hum 1959; 8:225.

Geeraets WJ. Ocular Syndromes, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.

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