Desert Lung and Cataract Syndrome &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; &nbs 737d33h p; 362
General: Nonoccupational pneumoconiosis; common in desert areas; excessive exposure to atmospheric dust; inhalant of fine, sandy dust.
Ocular: Cataracts (posterior subcapsular most prevalent); corneal opacities.
Clinic: Miliary infiltrates; thickening of bronchial walls; mild restrictive changes with pulmonary function.
Hawass ND. An association between desert lung and cataract: a new syndrome. Br J Ophthalmol 1987; 71:694-697.
Newell FW Ophthalmology: Principles and Concepts, 6th ed. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1986.
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