Dejerine-Klumpke Syndrome (Lower Radicular Syndrome; Klumpke Syndrome; Klumpke Paralysis) 351
General: Lesion involving the inferior roots of the brachial plexus wi 131j97b th nerves derived from the eighth cervical and first thoracic root.
Ocular: Enophthalmos; ptosis; narrowed palpebral fissure; miosis.
Clinical: Paralysis and atrophy of the small muscles of forearm and hand (flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum, interossei, thenar, hypothenar); decreased sensation or increased sensibility on the inner side of the forearm.
Dejerine-Klumpke A. Contribution a l'Etude des Paralysies Radicularies du Plexus Brachial; Paralysies Radicularies Totales; Paralysies Radicularies Inferieures; de la Participation des Filets Sympathiques Oculopupillaries dans ces Paralysies. Rev Med (Paris) 1885;5:591,739.
Geeraets WJ. Ocular Syndromes. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.
Menkes JH. Perinatal asphyxia and trauma: perinatal injuries of the peripheral nerves, brachial plexus. In: Textbook of Child Neurology. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 1995:66-369.
Parry CB. The management of injuries to the brachial plexus. Proc R Soc Med 1974; 67:488.
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