DeBarsy Syndrome &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; &nb 636g63g sp; 347
General: Rare progeroid syndrome associated with characteristic ocular, facial, skeletal, dermatologic, and neurologic abnormalities.
Ocular: Congenital corneal opacification (loss of Bowman layer); cataracts.
Clinical: Short stature, pectus excavatum, skeletal dysplasia with short legs, multiple joint dislocations, especially involving the hands; skin redundancy (as seen in cutis laxa); midface hypoplasia; thin transparent skin with prominent superficial veins; frontal bossing and aged, progeroid facies; early death; hypotonia; mental retardation; brisk deep tendon reflexes.
Aldave AJ, et al. Congenital corneal opacification m DeBarsy syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 2001; 119:285-288.
Bartsocas CS, et al. De Barsy syndrome. Prog Clin Biol Res 1982; 104:157-l60.
De Barsy AM, Moens E, Dierckx L. Dwarfism, oligophrenia and degeneration of the elastic tissue in skin and cornea: a new syndrome. Helv Paediatr Acta 1968; 3:305-313.
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