Cushing (2) Syndrome (Angle Tumor Syndrome;
Cerebellopontine Angle Syndrome; Pontocerebellar
Angle Tumor Syndrome; Acoustic Neuroma Syndrome) &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; &nb 151j91b sp; 336
General: Tumor involving cranial nerves V, VI, VII, and VIII and brainstem; occurs between ages 30 and 45 years.
Ocular: Paresis orbicularis muscle (VII); paresis external rectus muscle (VI); mixed nystagmus with head tilt; palsies of extraocular muscles are accounted for by increased intracranial pressure if the aqueduct of Sylvius is closed by the growing tumor; decreased corneal reflex V (homolateral and early sign); bilateral papilledema (increased intracranial pressure).
Clinical: Deafness (homolateral); labyrinth function disturbed or lost; tinnitus; hyperesthesia of the face; homolateral facial nerve paresis (total paralysis rare); hoarseness; difficulties in swallowing; unilateral limb ataxia; gait ataxia; nuchal headache; emesis; facial pain, numbness and paresis; progressive unilateral hearing loss.
Berg EF. The ocular signs and symptoms of posterior fossa disorders. In: Gay AJ, Burde RM, eds. Clinical Concepts in Neuro-Ophthalmology. Int Ophthalmol Clin
Cushing H. Tumors of the nevus acusticus. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1917.
Din totalitatea tumorilor maligne dntratoracice, 8590% sint reprezentate de cancerul bronhopulmonar primitiv. Incidenta erescinda a acestui cancer, i [...] |
Spre deosebire de tumorile benigne, tumorile maligne sint capabile sa strabata membranele bazale si aponevrozele, astfel incit, pe de o parte, au acce [...] |
Extinderea locoregionala a cancerelor a) Se produce prin invazia directa a parenchimelor adiacente si prin digestia aponevrozelor si a membranelor ba [...] |
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