Cushing (1) Syndrome (Adrenocortical Syndrome; Hyperadrenalism Syndrome; Pituitary Basophilism; Suprarenal Syndrome) 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 919c25j 335
General: Excessive secretion of adrenal cortical hormones due to primary or secondary adrenal hyperplasia or induced by adrenal or extraadrenal neoplastic tissue; common in females of childbearing age.
Ocular: Proptosis (rare); ocular muscle palsies; uncharacteristic visual field changes (not necessarily resembling bitemporal hemianopsia); optic nerve and/or chiasmal compression either unilateral or bilateral; posterior subcapsular cataract; central serous retinopathy; Lisch nodules.
Clinical: Hirsutism; obesity; 'buffalo hump'; hypertension; diabetes; skin pigmentation; osteoporosis; abdominal striae; polycythemia and lymphopenia; weakness; nervousness; irritability; dysmenorrhea.
Bouzas EA, et al. Central serous chorioretinopathy in endogenous hypercortisolism. Arch Ophthalmol 1993; 111: 1229-l233.
Bouzas EA, et al. Lisch nodules in Cushing's disease. Arch Ophthalmol 1993; 111:439-440.
Bouzas EA. et al. Posterior subcapsular cataract in endogenous Cushing syndrome: an uncommon manifestation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1993; 34:3497-3500.
Cushing H. The basophil adenomas of the pituitary body and their Clinical manifestations (pituitary basophilism). Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 1932; 50: 137.
Rovit RL, Duane TD. Eye signs in patients with Cushing's syndrome and pituitary tumors: some observations related to chromophobe tumors and hyperadrenalism. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1967; 65:52.
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