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Craniopharyngioma  316

Craniopharyngioma& 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp;   & 838i81i nbsp; 316

General: Benign congenital tumors arising from epithelial remnants of Rathke pouch; most common nonglial intracranial tumors in childhood; second most common sellar-parasellar tumor primarily in children or young adults; 35% of cases occur in patients over age 40 years.

Ocular: Paresis of third or sixth nerve; optic nerve atrophy; optic neuritis; papilledema; dilation of pupil; diplopia; hemianopsia; nystagmus; scotoma; visual field defects; visual loss.

Clinical: Hydrocephalus; infantilism; diabetes insipidus; abnormal sexual development; headaches; acute aseptic meningitis.

Amacher AL. Craniopharyngioma: the controversy regarding radiotherapy. Child Brain 1980; 6:57-64.

Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy, 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000.

Sweet WH. Radial surgical treatment of craniopharyngioma. Clin Neurosurg 1975; 23:52-79.

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