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Corneal crystals, myopathy, and nephropathy 296

Corneal Crystals, Myopathy, and Nephropathy     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ;     444f57e ; 296

General: Etiology unknown; may represent an atypical variant of myotonic dystrophy.

Ocular: Retinal pigment epithelial mottling; nystagmus; deep corneal crystals; conjunctival crystals.

Clinical: Weakness and atrophy of pharyngeal, facial, and intrinsic hand muscles; decreased hearing; hypertension; chronic renal disease with decreased glomerular filtration and proteinuria; asymmetrical smile; diminished gag reflex; chronic serous otitis media.

Arnold RW Corneal crystals, myopathy and nephropathy: a new syndrome? J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 1987; 24:151-l55.

Reiss GR, et al. Infectious crystalline keratopathy. Surv Ophthalmol 1986; 31:69-72.

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