Congenital Epiblepharon Inferior Oblique Insufficiency Syndrome &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; &nb 656f53g sp; 280
General: Prognosis is good with treatment; present in infancy; inversion of lash line occurs with epiblepharon and is exaggerated by the inferior oblique insufficiency.
Ocular: Narrow interpupillary distance; some ocular prominence; epicanthus; epiblepharon exaggerated in downward gaze; spastic entropion with retroflexion of the eyelashes; epiblepharon becomes less pronounced with growth and development; usually bilateral but in some cases asymmetrical; inferior oblique insufficiency usually unilateral; persistent unilateral keratoconjunctival irritation by the inverted cilia; lacrimation due to conjunctival and corneal irritation.
Clinical: Chubby cheeks (occasionally).
Duke-Elder S, ed. System of Ophthalmology, vol. III part 2. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1976.
Swan KC. The syndrome of congenital epiblepharon and inferior oblique insufficiency. Am J Ophthalmol 1954; 39:130.
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