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Cerebral palsy    224

Cerebral Palsy     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;     828g69i ;    224

General: Group of diverse nonprogressive syndromes resulting from injury to the motor centers of the brain; lesions may occur prenatally, in infancy, or in childhood up to age 5 years or more; constitutes the most common cause of permanent physical handicap in children.

Ocular: Strabismus; ptosis; congenital cataract; optic nerve atrophy; papilledema; iris coloboma; nystagmus; uveitis; paresis of extraocular muscles; blepharospasm; leukoma.

Clinical: Systemic abnormalities, such as mental retardation, seizures, microcephalus, hydrocephalus, speech delays, and behavioral or emotional disturbances; motor defect; central visual impairment due to cerebral cortex and white matter malformation.

Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000.

Harcourt B. Strabismus affecting children with multiple handicaps. Br J Ophthalmol 1974; 58:272-280.

Levy NS, et al. Strabismus in children with cerebral palsy. J Pediatr Ophthalmol 1976; 13:72-74.

Schenk-Rootlieb AJ, et al. Cerebral visual impairment in cerebral palsy: relation to structural abnormalities of the cerebrum. Neuropediatrics 1994; 25:68-72.

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