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Cardiac myxomas  198

Cardiac Myxomas   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;   &n 232h79c bsp;  198

General: Myxomas of the heart account for approximately 50% of primary heart tumors; although benign, they can cause serious complications and death by obstruction or embolism; tumor arises from the mural endocardium.

Ocular: Central or branch retinal artery obstruction with ganglion cell edema and a 'cherry-red macula'; choroidal and retinal infarct; ischemic optic neuropathy; conjunctival and caruncle pigmentation; eyelid pigmentation; transient loss of vision.

Clinical: Signs and symptoms are a result of emboli that travel to the extremities, brain, liver, spleen, kidney, cerebrum, and, rarely, the coronary arteries.

Bolo-Deoku J Jr, et al. Transient loss of peripheral vision as the presentation of left atrial myxoma. Br J Ophthalmol 1992; 76:113-l14.

Collins JF. Handbook of Clinical Ophthalmology. New York: Masson, 1982:221.

Duane TD. Clinical Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1987.

Kennedy RH, et al. The Carney complex with ocular signs suggestive of cardiac myxoma. Am J Ophthalmol 1991; 111:699-702.

Taylor RH, Deutsch J. Myxoma mix-up: a case report. J Clin Neuro-Ophthalmol 1992; 12:207-209.

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