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Capgras syndrome (illusion of double syndrome; l’illusion des sosies; phantom double  syndrome; nonrecognition-misidentification syndrome) 193

Capgras Syndrome (Illusion of Double Syndrome; L’illusion des Sosies; Phantom Double  Syndrome; Nonrecognition-Misidentification Syndrome)     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ;     151i86b ; 193

General: Characterized by misidentification or nonrecognition of a person by the patient who believes that this person appears in double in front of him or her; occurs in paranoid psychosis, and only people familiar or important to the patient appear in double; preponderance in women; agnosia of identification.

Ocular: Illusion of double perception with failure of recognition of a known person.

Clinical: General claims include statements that the person seen is an impostor, although the person is well known to the patient; hallucinations; delusions.

Anderson DN, Williams E. The delusion of inanimate doubles. Psychopathology 1994; 27:220-225.

Capgras J, Carrette P. Illusion des Sosies et Complexe d'Oedipe. Ann Med Psychol l924;82:48.

Luaute JP, Bidault E. Capgras syndrome: agnosia of Identification and delusion of reduplication. Psychopathology 1994; 27: 186-l93.

Vogel BF. The Capgras syndrome and its psychopathology. Am J Psychiatry 1974; 131:922

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