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Candidiasis 191

Candidiasis   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp;   &n 111c22b bsp; 191

General: Yeastlike opportunistic fungal infection caused by Candida albicans.

Ocular: Uveitis; hypopyon; conjunctivitis; keratitis; corneal ulcer; blepharitis; endophthalmitis; dacryocystitis; papillitis; retinal atrophy; Roth spot; vitreous abscess; retrobulbar abscess; retinal detachment; panophthalmitis; chorioretinitis; infectious crystalline keratopathy.

Clinical: C. albicans normally is present as an intestinal saprophyte in 35% to 75% of the human population; in situations of internal environmental change, however, Candida can become pathogenic (e.g., obesity, diabetes mellitus, malignancy, and other debilitating conditions).

Donahue SS, et al. Intraocular candidiasis in patients with candidemia. Clinical implications derived from a prospective multicenter study. Ophthalmology 1994; 101:1302-l309.

Duane TD. Clinical Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1987.

Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy, 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000.

Purgason PA, et al. Atypical presentation of fungal dacryocystitis. A report of two cases. Ophthalmology 1992; 99: 1430-l432.

Speer ME, et al. Candida endophthalmitis: a manifestation of candidiasis in the neonate. South Med J 1980; 73: 1407-l409.

Wagman RD, et al. Keratitis associated with the multiple endocrine deficiency, autoimmune disease, and candidiasis syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 1987; 103:569-575.

Wilhelmus KR, Robinson NM. Infectious crystalline keratopathy caused by Candida albicans. Am J Ophthalmol 1991; 112:322-325.

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