Bruns Syndrome (postural Change Syndrome) &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; &n 636c29g bsp; 180
General: Caused by tumors of the third, fourth, or lateral ventricle or by lesions of the midline in the brain.
Ocular: Partial ophthalmoplegia (third nerve paralysis) and gaze paralysis; oculomotor paresis associated with postural change of head or body; amaurosis or transient blindness; flashes of light.
Clinical: Severe paroxysmal headache; nausea and vomiting; vertigo; irregular respiration; apnea; syncope; tachycardia; free-floating cysts within the fourth ventricle may produce intermittent foramen obstruction and Bruns syndrome; Kramer reported a patient with a free-floating cysticercus cyst with this condition.
Alpers BJ, Yaskin HE. The Bruns syndrome. J Nerv Ment Dis 1944; 100:115.
Bruns O. Neuropathologische Demonstrationen. Neurol Centralbl 1902; 21:561.
Geeraets WJ Ocular Syndromes. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1976.
Kramer J, et al. Transaqueductal migration of a neurocysticercus cyst. Case report. J Neurosurg 1992; 77:956-968.
Miller NR, ed. Walsh and Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, vol. 5. part 1. 4th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995:3345-3346.
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