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Brown-sequard syndrome   178

Brown-Sequard Syndrome   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   &n 626d38g bsp;   178

General: Caused by lesion (injury, tumor pressure) of spinal cord.

Ocular: Nystagmus (if lesion in upper cervical area); sluggish pupillary reaction to light (occasional finding); optic atrophy.

Clinical: Homolateral spastic paralysis with (i) loss of ipsilateral deep joint, tendon, and vibratory sensations below level of the lesion; (ii) loss of contralateral pain and temperature sensations; and (in) sphincteral disturbances. Cases of this syndrome caused by meningomyelitis secondary to syphilis, herpes zoster, and multiple sclerosis have been reported.

Brown-Sequard CE. Sur la Transmission des Impressions Sensitives dans la Moelle Epiniere. Compt Rend 1850; 31: 700.

Miller NR, ed. Walsh and Hoyt’s Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology. vol. 5, part 2. 4th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995.

Strom T, Schneck SA. Syphilitic meningomyelitis. Neurology 1991; 41:325-326.

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