Bourneville Syndrome (Bourneville-Pringle Syndrome; Tuberous Sclerosis; Epiloia) 166
General: Irregular dominant inheritance; more frequent in females; most 828i81i patients die before age 24 years.
Ocular: Vitreous often cloudy; lens opacities; retinal mushroom-like tumor of grayish-white color; yellowish-white plaques with small hemorrhages and cystic changes in retina; papilledema; disk drusen; cerebral astrocytoma; 40% to 50% of patients have normal intelligence.
Clinical: Grand mal, petit mal, or jacksonian seizures (manifest first 2 years of life); mental changes from feeblemindedness to imbecility and idiocy; skin changes arranged usually about nose and cheeks (adenoma sebaceum); congenital tumors of kidney (hypernephroma or tubular adenoma) and heart (rhabdomyoma); cerebral astrocytoma.
Berberich MS, Hall BD. Penetrance and variability in tuberous sclerosis. Birth Defects 1979; 15:297-304.
Bourneville D. Contribution a l'Etude de l'Idiotie-Sclerose Tubereusedes Circonvulsions Cerebrales: Idiotie et Epilepsie Hemiplegique. Arch Neurol (Paris) 1880-l881; 1:69.
Ettl A, et al. Retinal phakomata associated with cerebral astrocytoma. An incomplete form of Bourneville-Pringle disease? Ophthalmologica 1993; 206:209-213.
Font RD, Ferry AP. The phacomatoses. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1972; 12: 1.
Magalini SI, Scrascia E. Dictionary of Medical Syndromes, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1981.
Margo CE, et al. Giant cell astrocytoma of the retina in tuberous sclerosis. Retina 1994; 13:155-l59.
Williams R, Taylor D. Tuberous sclerosis. Surv Ophthalmol 1985; 30:143.
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