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Benson disease (asteroid bodies of the vitreous; asteroid hyalitis; snowball opacities of the vitreous; scintillatio albescens)    139

Benson Disease (Asteroid Bodies of the Vitreous; Asteroid Hyalitis; Snowball Opacities of the
Vitreous; Scintillatio Albescens)   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;   &nbs 818f59i p;    139

General: Etiology unknown; occurs in people of advanced age who have been asymptomatic.

Ocular: Small, solid, stellate, spherical bodies in an otherwise normal vitreous; creamy, flat white, or shiny when viewed with an ophthalmoscope; may interfere with accurate measurement of axial length.

Clinical: Increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and hyperopia.

Allison KL, et al. Asteroid hyalosis and axial length measurement using automated biometry. J Cataract Refract Surg 1991; 17:181-l86.

Benson AH. A case of 'monocular asteroid hyalitis.' Trans Ophthalmol Soc U K 1894; 14:101-l04.

Bergren RL, et al. Prevalence and association of asteroid hyalosis with systemic diseases. Am J Ophthalmol 1991; 111:289-293.

Gartner J. Whipple disease of the central nervous system, associated with ophthalmoplegia externa and severe asteroid hyalitis. A clinicopathologic study. Doc Ophthalmol 1980; 49:155-l87.

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