Beard Disease (Neurasthenia; Nervous Exhaustion) &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; &n 747c25h bsp; 131
General: Predominantly in women who are overworked or emotionally strained; occurs usually in the fourth or fifth decade; onset gradual; episodic recurrence.
Ocular: Hippus (visible, rhythmic but irregular pupillary oscillation, deliberate in time, and 2 mm or more excursion; it has no localizing significance).
Clinical: Muscle spasms; body aches; autonomic nervous system involvement; tiredness; insomnia; impotence; dyspepsia; phobic neurosis.
Duke-Elder S, Scott GI. System of Ophthalmology. vol. XII. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1971:637-638.
Magalini SI, Scrascia E. Dictionary of Medical Syndromes. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1981.
Ring Chromosome 6 (Aniridia, Congenital Glaucoma, and Hydrocephalus) General: Rare disorder associated wit [...] |
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