Beal Syndrome &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; &nbs 323j98d p; 130
General: Transient unilateral disease; becoming bilateral later, then resolving within 2 weeks.
Ocular: Acute follicular conjunctivitis (lymphoid follicles; cobblestoning of conjunctiva with rapid onset).
Clinical: No purulent discharge; associated with regional adenitis.
Ostler HB, et al. Acute follicular conjunctivitis of epizootic origin. Arch Ophthalmol 1969; 82:587.
Thygeson P. Follicular conjunctivitis: infectious diseases of the conjunctiva and cornea. In: Symposium of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology. St. Louis: CV Mosby, 1965:103.
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