Basedow Syndrome (Graves Disease; Hyperthyroidism;
Thyrotoxicosis; Exophthalmic Goiter;
Parry Disease) &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp; &n 242b17c bsp;
General: Diffuse toxic goiter; inherited as a simple autosomal recessive; penetrance greater in females; however, dominant mode of inheritance and variable penetrance are possible; uncommon in either sex before age 15 years.
Ocular: Exophthalmos; swelling of eyelids and discoloration of upper eyelids; lid lag (von Graefe); globe lag (Koeber); lid trembling on gentle closure (Rosenbach sign); reduced blinking (Stellwag); retraction of upper lid; difficulty in everting upper lid (Gifford sign); convergence weakness (Möobius); impaired fixation on extreme lateral gaze (Suker); possible external ophthalmoplegia (Ballet); Dalrymple sign (staring appearance); tearing; photophobia; epiphora; prolapse of lacrimal gland; neuroretinal edema; tortuous vessels; papilledema and papillitis; anisocoria; keratitis; increased intraocular pressure; increased intraocular pressure on upgaze; decreased visual acuity; enlargement of the extraocular muscles; increased volume of the extraorbital fat; superior rectus muscle enlargement; decreased venous outflow.
Clinical: Tachycardia; anxiety; insomnia; loss of weight; hyperhidrosis; restlessness; myocarditis (toxic); atrial fibrillation.
Cohen JS. Optic neuropathy of Graves' disease, hyperthyroidism, and ocular myasthenia gravis. Arch Ophthalmol 1973; 90:131.
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