Basal Cell Carcinoma 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 858c24i 123
General: Most common malignant neoplasm of lids; it can occasionally occur as a primary basal cell cancer of the conjunctiva and in the lacrimal canaliculus.
Ocular: Neoplasm most common on lower lid and medial canthus; lacrimation.
Clinical: Tumors of skin and other regions, including sinuses.
Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current Ocular Therapy, 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000.
Fraunfelder FT, et al. The role of cryosurgery in external ocular and periocular disease. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1977; 83:713-724.
Garrett AB, et al. Basal cell carcinoma originating in the lacrimal canaliculus. Ophthalmic Surg 1993; 24:197-l99.
Husain SE, et al. Primary basal cell carcinoma of the limbal conjunctiva. Ophthalmology 1993; 100: 1720-l722.
Payne JW, et al. Basal cell carcinoma of the eyelids. A long-term follow-up study. Arch Ophthalmol 1969; 81: 553-558.
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