Bang Disease (Brucellosis; Malta Fever; Mediterranean Fever; Pig Breeder Disease; Gibraltar Fever; Undulant Fever)
General: Transmitted to man from animals 656i82g or animal products containing bacteria of the genus Brucella; human infection results from ingestion of infected animal tissue and milk products or through skin wounds directly bathed in freshly killed animal tissues.
Ocular: Conjunctivitis; punctate keratitis; optic neuritis; swollen optic nerves; chorioretinitis; extraocular muscle palsies; phlyctenules; dacryoadenitis; papilledema; episcleritis; macular edema; phthisis bulbi; uveitis; vitreous opacities; changes in intraocular pressure (early decrease or late increase).
Clinical: Fever; icterus; weakness; sweats; general malaise; mammary abscess.
Collins JF. Handbook
of Clinical Ophthalmology.
Gasser, I, et al. Bilateral mammary abscess and uveitis caused by Brucella melitensis: report of a case. Injections 1991; 19:44-45.
Lyall M. Ocular brucellosis. Trans Ophthalmol Soc U K 1973; 93:689-697.
Magalini SI, Scrascia E. Dictionary
of Medical Syndromes, 2nd ed.
Walker J, et al. Brucellosis and uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol 1992; 114:374-375.
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