Avitaminosis C (Scurvy; Vitamin C Deficiency)
General: Vitamin C deficiency.
Ocular: Hemorrhages of lids, anterior chamber, vitreous cavity, retina, subconjunctival space, and orbit (most prominent, with 414d34e resulting exophthalmos); keratitis, corneal ulcer; cataract.
Clinical: Increased capillary fragility with a tendency to hemorrhage in tissues throughout the body; poor wound healing; loose teeth; purpuric rash.
Collins JF. Handbook
of Clinical Ophthalmology.
Taylor A, et al. Relationship in humans between ascorbic acid consumption and levels of total and reduced ascorbic acid in lens, aqueous humor, and plasma. Curr Eye Res 1991; 10:751-759.
Wilson JD. Vitamin
deficiency and excess. In: Isselbacher KJ, et al., eds. Harrisons
Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th ed.
Woodruff PW, et al. Neuromyopathic complications in a patient with anorexia nervosa and vitamin C deficiency. Int J Eating Disord 1994; 16:205-209.
Acestea contin unele vitamine din complexul de vitamine B precum si vitaminele A, D si C. Oricum laptele, cerealele si alte alimente pe care Ie co [...] |
intrebarea este dificila, intrucit nu exista nevoi cu adevarat standard. Cautati un produs care va ofera cel putin 100 % din aporturile recomandate. I [...] |
Vitamina A (retinol) are rol in formarea iodopsinei si rodopsinei de la nivelul celulelor retiniene, in troficitatea mucoaselor si tegumentelor, A [...] |
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