Ascher Syndrome (Blepharochalasis with Struma and Double Lip)
General: Rare occurrence; blepharochalasis transmitted as a simple dominant; related to development of thyroid gland; symptoms 919g64j usually start around puberty.
Ocular: 'Bulging' of orbital fat; blepharochalasis; protrusion of lacrimal gland; entropion (rare).
Clinical: Goiter; reduplication of upper lip; hypothyroidism; alopecia areata totalis.
Ascher KW. Blepharochalasis mit
Geeraets WJ. Ocular Syndromes, 3rd
Mathew MS, et al. Ascher's syndrome: an unusual case with entropion. Int J Dermatol 1992; 31:710-712
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