Alzheimer Disease (Dementia)
General: Diffuse brain atrophy coming on well before the senile period of life; progressive; etiology currently unknown but hereditary disorder suspected; terminally, nearly decortic 242i83c ate, with loss of all ability to think, perceive, speak, or move.
Ocular: Fixed dilated pupil; optic atrophy; decreased contrast sensitivity, color vision, and stereo vision; abnormalities of the optic nerve head and nerve fiber layer; controversy exists regarding the ability to diagnose patients with Alzheimer disease by their marked hypersensitivity in pupil dilation response to tropicamide.
Clinical: Emotional disturbances; depression; anxiety; antisocial behavior; aphasia; apraxic disturbances; abnormalities of space perception; shuffling gait; generalized shuffling gait with short steps; disturbances in thought process.
Bassi CJ, et al. Vision in aging and dementia. Optom Vis Sci 1993; 70:809-813.
Kasper DL, et al., eds. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine,
16th ed.
Roy FH. Ocular Differential
Diagnosis. 7th ed.
Tsai CS, et al. Optic nerve head and nerve fiber layer in Alzheimer's disease. Arch Ophthalmol 1991; 109:199-204.
Wolin MJ. Alzheimer's disease and
the eye. J
ETIOLOGIE Aproximativ 70% dintre dementele progresive aparute la virs-lele adulte se datoreaza bolii Alzheimer. Alte cauze, in ordinea descreseinda a [...] |
SIMPTOME a modificari ale dispozitiei; depresie, delir, agitatie, anxietate, egoism, comportament copilaresc. a dezorientare, confuzie, lipsa [...] |
Un studiu recent (101) a demonstrat ca relatia inversa intre istoricul de fomat si aparitia precoce a bolii Alzheimer nu poate fi explicata de [...] |
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