Abdominal Typhus (Enteric Fever; Typhoid Fever)
General: Causative agent, Salmonella typhi.
Ocular: Conjunctivitis; chemosis; corneal ulcer; tenonitis; paralysis of extraocular muscles; endophthalmitis; panophthalmitis; optic neuritis; retinal detachment; central scotoma; central retinal artery emboli; iritis with or without hypopyon; choroiditis; retinal hemorrhages; bilateral optic neuritis; abnormal ocular motility (likely secondary to thrombotic infarcts affecting the ocular motor nerve nuclei, fascicles, brainstem, or cerebral hemispheres).
Clinical: Fever; headache; bradycardia; splenomegaly; maculopapular rash; leukopenia; encephalitis. Salmonella may produce an illness characterized by fever and bacteremia without any other manifestations of enterocolitis or enteric fever, which is particularly common in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Fraunfelder FT, Roy FH. Current
Ocular Therapy, 5th ed.
Imperato PJ. The treatment and control of infectious diseases in
Jacobs JL, et al. Salmonella infections in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Ann Intern Med 1985; 102:186-l88.
Mathur JS, et al. Post typhoid
retinal detachment. J All
Miller NR, ed. Walsh and Hoyt's
Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, vol. 5, part 1, 4th ed.
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